I found art in the most surprising way the other day! I was sitting in my psychology Human Growth and Development class and we were talking about motor skills in children. Dr. Yonts showed us lots of examples of children's drawings and how they change and develop as they gain control of their muscles.
I love kids. They are so adorable and innocent and I especially love looking at what they draw! It's so precious.
So here are some photos I scrounged up online of drawings kids did that I think are adorable. Not to mention inspiring in their own little way.

Yeah, I love my mom too. :]

That's right Superman. See this and weep...Super Panda is coming to save the world!

Pretty sure that this drawing correlates to the book series Rainbow fish. That was one awesome fish.

This crab reminds me of the crab off of The Little Mermaid.

Is this a chipmunk or and owl? Who knows! It's freakin adorable.
Hooray for little kids!
Too bad I can't get away with this kind of art in my art class :O
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