Friday, October 28, 2011


So I have been a bit behind on my blogging, but I have been busy painting! I finally have pictures to show from my complete Stil Life project.

Here they are!

For this first painting we picked a group of produce to draw and paint. Our process was really interesting. First we painted each object the exact opposite color of what it really was and then proceeded to paint the real color on top. After that we were supposed to add the different colors/shades to make the objects look more real. When we were all done, we cut out tracing paper, sprayed adhesive glue on one side and created an interesting background for our still life composition. Before we created a background, it was just plain brown chipboard. I choose to not paint in the shadow on this composition because I thought that it would be too much to have on there. I really enjoy the bright blue in contrast to all the other colors in the composition. I feel like it is much more complete. Actually my background was a little bit accidental. I did not mix enough paint to cover my whole board and the roller I was using to apply the paint had just got washed so the top faded part where the blue is very light is a result of a lot of watered down paint...but I think it all works together really well.

This second painting had the same exact process except we were told to zoom in on the fruit and make it larger. I decided to make this background a little more complicated since my first one was so simple. One of my favorite things to see in other people's kitchen is colorful tiled walls so I created a visual simplification of what you would usually see. As you can see, I did not bother to make my "tiles" perfectly even.
One thing that I am waiting to fix on this is my shadow I painted in last. I want to fade it out a big more so that it does not stand out so crisply since everything else is much softer and rounded.

Hope you enjoyed looking at my work. I worked really hard and long on these and I am really happy with them!!!

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