Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So starting this 3D installation class has been super exciting. Right now we are working on a cut paper installation piece and I am kind of obsessed with it, hence the blog title. haha. My class of 7ish is installing our pieces in the small chapel and I am super excited. Of course since it is a religious building, we had to incorporate some spiritual content in our pieces. Mine is about spiritual unity and I can't really concentrate on this blog enough to talk about it in detail.
Anyways, I have tons of homework to do right now but I can't concentrate cause all I can think about is finishing this piece and it's about 10 feet long and my piece is pretty intricate. I thought I would hate cutting it out but I have been having a great time and I am trying to manage my time and get my other homework done as well but my attention span for it hasn't been as great.....which is a first......
screw it.
I just might go work on it right now....