Thursday, March 1, 2012

Endless ideas?

OMG searching for installation ideas has been a blast. I found some super awesome installations that I love. Here are a bunch of websites that I have logged for you to check out!!!

ContemporaryArt_robertjanson_01 this is a piece by Robert Janson with plastic bags.

eco art installation, watershed, plastic consumption, eco art installation new york city, plastic bottle waste, plastic bottle installation, figment art festival, mslk graphic design agency This installation is in a park in NYC and is made up of plastic water bottles strung together. There's a video about the process on the linked picture!

 This piece is called Computer Sunset. And I just love the idea behind this piece. I'm not for sure who this is by.

And last, but not least, I found this hilarious blog post about huge installation art all over the world and it's called "If Giants Ruled the World" I really like the installations that have a meaningful concept behind them, or create awareness. Right now, we are working on our second project for class and I have a pretty good idea of what materials I want to use but I am struggling to find a meaningful concept behind it that isn't super cheesy. Hopefully, Spring Break will help!

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