Saturday, November 19, 2011

Andy Goldsworthy Shrine

For some reason I totally forgot how obsessed I am with Andy Goldsworthy's work. I was first introduced to his artwork last year in my art intro class and I loved it from the start. Maybe it's because his artwork is so complex and peaceful but there is something about how I can imagine him meticulously creating each piece that I absolutely love. Also I think that it's cool that he only takes pictures of his work and then leaves it in nature!

He is obsessed with circular patterns with holes. But it totally works! Each piece always bring you back to the center where there are no colors and no objects. 

This was the very first Andy Goldsworthy picture I ever saw "Japanes Maple Leaves"

Then he also has these other works that I think are focused on the concept of lines. It makes me wonder how he got these things to stay like that!
  This is the second picture I saw of his and I could totally see him just shaping this around the tree with his hands even though it was super cold!

He also has balls! (haha)
   (wouldn't want to get too close to this one!) 
He  works with reeds, rocks, and leaves too!



Here is his official website!I will definitely be creeping on him in my spare time...when I'm not writing essays. :P

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